Eligibility- High school
1-Knowing computer
2-Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System
3-Understanding Word Processing
4-Using Spread Sheet
5-Communicating Using the Internet
6-WWW and web browsers
7-communication and Collaboration
8-Making small presentation
Eligibility- High school
1-Introduction to Computer
2-Introduction to Windows
3-Basic DOS Commands
4-Elements of Word Processing
5- Spreadsheets
6- Computer Communication and Internet
7- WWW and Web Browsers
8- E-mail
9-Making Small Presentation
Eligibility- 12th
1-M1-R4-IT Tools and business system
2-M2-R4-Internet technology and Web Design
3-M3-R4-Programming & Problem Solving through ‘C’ Language
4-M4-R4-Elective:(One Module out of the following three modules to bechosen)
M4-1-R4-Application of Net Technology
M4-2-R4-Introduction to Multimedia
M4-3-R4-Introduction to ICT Resources and Project Work